Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tonight's Thursday TNA TIME!!

Mr. Anderson is upset that Bully Ray didn't warn him about Tito Ortiz joining Aces & Eights.

Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian come out and congratulate Bully Ray and warn him. Then Bobby Roode asks Austin Aries to join their group, then James Storm and Gunner come out and warn Christopher Daniels  and Kazarian about Roode being sneaky, then Roode calls Storm jealous and Storm warns him takes his hat off drinks his beer, then takes his shirt off and attacks Roode and Gunner attacks Kazarian and a ref comes out rings the bell and sends Daniels to the back.

1st match: James Storm and Gunner Vs. Kazarian and Bobby Roode-Winner:  Kazarian and Bobby Roode 

Austin Aries talks about Roode's offer, and says he doesn't know if he can trust him, and says he'll have the answer by the end of the night.

2nd Match: Sonjay Dutt Vs.Manic-Winner: Manic. X-Division champ takes it.

Aces & Eights Talk backstage.

3rd match: Street fight, Bound for glory match: Christopher Daniels Vs. Joseph Park Vs. Jay Bradly Vs. Super Mex. Hernandez-Winner: Joesph Park w/ Eric Young. The sight of blood makes that man crazy. (20 Points)

Austin Aries acts like he's about to join Bobby Roode's team, then he attacks Christopher Daniels.

Sting talks about Aces & Eights with the Main Event Mafia, and talk about doing a 5 on 4 match.

Bully Ray's title celebration starts and he's just fighting with the crowd as always. Now he's talking about Chris Sabin. Now he's talking about Tito Ortiz (Whose in the ring.) Now Tito is talking (His voice is funny.) About Rampage. Crowd chanting "YOU SOLD OUT!!" Bully talks about his secret with Brooke. Yeah he loves Brooke...BROOKE TESSMACHER!! (Totally saw that coming from miles away.) Bully Ray says he can never be stopped and Brooke T. Takes Bully's wedding ring off with his mouth. and Bully says. "We're (Brooke H.) done."

4th match: Gail Kim Vs. ODB-Winner: Gail Kim.

Main Event 5th match: Main Event Mafia Vs. Aces & Eights. Mr. Anderson introduces Bully Ray who comes out with Tito Ortiz and Brooke T. to watch the match. Then Mr. Anderson tells The Mafia to choose somebody to lay down, then sting says no if they lose they lose fighting then the match is about to start when Aj comes looking all evil, then out of no where you hear "GET READY FLY!" Then Aj takes off his jacket and reveals his old self. He's back baby and with The Mafia.- Winner: Main Event Mafia, Devon is GONE!! Taz is not happy, not happy at all.

Can't wait till Next week. Be back tomorrow for Smackdown.

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