Monday, January 13, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw!!

Show starts off with The Usos in the ring and the Wyatts appearing.
1st match: Wyatts *Daniel and Bray* Vs. The Usos: regular match until Harper and Rowen attack one Usos which causes in disqualification, and the Wyatts attack the Usos, but the Usos get out of it, and Bray starts telling Bryan to get on his feet and Daniel stands up and drops to his knees and Bray does Sister Abigail, and says "I DO THIS FOR ALL OF US!!" and they roll Bryan out the ring.

John Cena has his first Raw match of 2014 after the commercial break... ^_^ *Why does he look like he's wearing make-up in his match card? Lol*

Raw comes back on with Damien Sandow in the ring, and we flashback to when Damien cashed in his MITB contract, and shows him get beat by a one armed John Cena, and Damien said on the WWE App that that night made him lose sleep...No here comes Cena.. ^_^

2nd Match: John Cena Vs. Damien Sandow: Pretty predictable match so far...Sandow kicks out of a neck break and Cena's surprised..he's now going to the top, but Damien stopped him, but the Cena stopped him, but then Damien stopped him, then Cena finally DDT'ed him, and he kicked out the pin, Cena kicked out at two..Twice..Cena has the STF locked in, but Sandow gets to the ropes, and locks in the STF, but Cena stands up and JBL says "He's not human." And John A.A's Damien and JOHN WINS!!! And hugs his dad whose in the crowd.

Match card: The Shield Vs. Cm Punk and The New Age Outlaws..And the WWE network thing..

Now we're hearing about the WWE Network..Every WWE PPV..Blah blah blah..WM Live for only $9.99..Blah blah blah..Awesome matches..It's all there anytime and anywhere you want...Launches in 6 weeks..That sums up what they said..

Backstage we are...Kane and Brad.. Brad sarcastically compliments Kane about the start of the show, and Kane tells Brad to enforce the rules, and Brad says The Usos and The Wyatts have a rematch in the steel Cage, but Kane said the door will be chained and locked and he'll be the only one with a key, and Brad walks away and here comes Big show..

3rd Match: Big Show Vs. Jack Swagger: Extremely short match..Big Show choke slammed Jack, and Antonio was about to attach Show, but didn't. Big Show is about to attack Zeb, but Antonio saves him, Show throws him out the ring and grabs Zeb, and gets ready to K.O. him..And.....He.....DOES!! And Big Show puts his hand over his heart, and JBL says "Poor Zed, that was a tragedy."

4th Match: The Shield Vs. Cm Punk and The New Age Outlaws: *I have no idea who I want to win..I LOVE THEM ALL!!!* Badass Billy Gunn covers Seth, but he kicks out....And Billy tags in Road Dogg, and Seth tags in Dean *My Fav.* Ambrose kicks out of the pin by Road Dogg. Road Dogg tags in CM Punk and Dean kind of goes Moxley and won't tag in Roman or Seth..But then he does tag Seth who then tags Roman..Who has a stare down with Punk...Reigns has the upper had at the moment..Punk does a suicide dive on Roman to get the momentum back...Commercial break..It's back and Roman has control..Then he tags in Dean..Who beats up Punk a little, then tags in Seth.Who beats Punk up more..Who then tags in Dean, and nw Dean is beating up..And down..the ring..Ambrose keeps talking about an eye...Roman puts Dean in the ring towards Rollins who tags himself in...And Roman gets tagged in and mocks NAO, and then Punk tries to tag one of them and they jump off the apron and leave, and now Punks alone with The Shield....And pissed off Punk takes out Dean and Seth, but gets speared by Roman and pinned...SHIELD WINS!!! *NAO SOLD OUT!!* Now they do the triple power bomb to Punk. *My poor baby :(*

Wyatts Backstage..Bray talking in Daniels ear about his match later with The Usos in the Steel Cage...Commercial time..

5th Match: AJ and Tamina Vs. Cameron and Naomi: Normal AJ match...She's killing it... *Crowd chanting: WE WANT KAITLYN!!* AJ wins with the Shining Wizard....Tamina beats up Cameron by AJ's command and Naomi Saves her.

Randy's roaming the halls looking for the authority..And he's not happy.. First inductee into the HOF'14 after the commercial break.. -_-

Comes back with Randy complaining to Kane about Brock, Cena, and Batista....Kane puts Randy in a match with Kofi, and apparently the pleasure is all Randy's..Lol..Love that guy.. ^_^ More talk about the WWE Network...

The first inductee is.....THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEPPP

Renee Young backstage with Paul Heyman..To talk about Big Show and Brock...Paul talks about the Royal Rumble, and how Big Show knocked out Zeb....Using big words....And that sums to calling Big Show stupid...And him and Brock aren't intimidated or impressed...

6th Match: Randy Orton Vs. Kofi Kingston: *I believe Randal will win.*  Normal match..Commentary is more entertaining at this moment...I kind of blanked out..This match is boring.. *My opinion.* WHY IS THIS MATCH SO LONG!?! Kofi won...and Randy isn't happy..He just snapped..Breaking stuff..Freaking out..Universe isn't helping..Now he's attacking John Cena Sr... And John chased Randy away and is now checking on his dad who is unconscious...Cena is gonna kill Orton..I mean this is the second time..

7th Match: Cody Rhodes and Goldust Vs. Rybaxel: Don't know what really to say...Normal match again..Not bad, but normal..The Rhodes win..

8th Match: Rey Mysterio Vs. Alberto Del Rio: Normal match.. 619 TO DEL RIO!! Alberto knocks him off top ropes..Alberto locks in Crossarm breaker..Mysterio taps..ALBERTO WINS!!! Alberto talks about Batista and how he just hurt his friend and if Batista returns next week he'll do the same to him, and then he said something in Spanish about the Royal Rumble..

More WWE Network talk...

Punk backstage with Kane upset about what happened earlier..CM Punk is going to whip some a..butt..Punk is entering the Royal Rumble..And he has a problem with Kane..BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!

The Usos interview...They aren't happy..but they're ready..

9th Match Main Event: The Usos Vs. Bray and Daniel Wyatt, steel cage match *Kane has the key to the door.*: Wyatts dominating the match..One Uso goes up, but Daniel tries to stop him, but fails then Bray stops by pulling his hair..Now Daniel tries to escape, but gets stopped by a uso..Bray and a Uso both fighting on the ropes, but Bray gets knocked down and The Uso does a moonsault *Or corckscrew* on Bray, and Daniel stops the pin and attacks the other Uso and starts to climb, but the other Uso stops him and they both pull him off the cage, and then one tries to pin, but Bray breaks it up and does Sister Abigals Kiss to one of them.. And they get Bray down so they try to climb, but The Wyatts join them at the top of the cage and Daniel gets knocked down which knocks Bray off who hits his "Manhood" on the ropes and the Usos escape. USOS WIN!!! Bray is evily laughing..Bray is not happy...Daniel's kind of just staring at him..Bray is now in Daniel's face, and Daniel does the thing where he falls to his knees and Bray tries to do Sister Abigail, but Daniel pushes him away and now they're just staring. *Don't forget the caged is locked until Kane unlocks it.* Daniel Bryan chants flowing throught the arena..Bray falls to his knees this time yelling "YOU'RE A KILLER!" DANIEL ATTACKS BRAY!!!  He takes off the jumpsuit to reveal his ring gear and the yes chants start...THE WHOLE ARENA GOING "YES! YES! YES! YES!" Daniel takes out Bray with one more kick and climbs to the top of the cage and starts the yes chants again..We got our hero, and Brie got her fiance back.. WWE gonna owe some money the way the roof just blew off the place... <3

Good Show...I liked it. ^_^

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